
To provide awareness of the benefits and opportunities available through recycling waste cooking oil into viable, environmentally friendly product used within the local economy.


To inform the community of Greensboro by targeting local producers of waste cooking oil. We will provide information on "Patriot Biodiesel", the triads only commercial bio-refinery, and facilitate the partnership. In addition, we will host an information session at UNCG to provide awareness regarding the importance of responsibly recycling local waste oil.
This is great information! Let's all work to encourage the recycling of cooking oil. Hopefully this will start with restaurants, and eventually work up to household recycling in the future. I do want to clarify that Patriot Biodiesel is Greensboro's only biodiesel refiner that is collecting oil locally, refining it and then selling it to be used locally as biodiesel, a cleaner, more sustainable fuel. This makes for a smaller carbon footprint, and helps our local economy. There are other refiners in the triad and doing a good job, but that adds to the carbon footprint by requiring the transport of the oil and/or the biodiesel. Let's keep it local!

Pro's of Biofuel

  • the only alternative fuel to have completed the health effects testing requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
  • can be used in existing diesel engines without major modifications
  • can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel
  • it is nontoxic, biodegradable, and virtually free of sulfur and aromatics (it is carbon neutral)
  • biodiesel has lower emissions in diesel engines than petroleum diesel
  • cleaner air! study shows kids riding petroleum diesel fueled buses had more asthma that those on biodiesel fueled buses
  • contributes to new jobs in our area

Patriot Biodiesel Program

  • is a local recycler / refiner of biodiesel from waste cooking oil
  • provides professional waste fryer oil collection service
  • scheduled pickups
  • scheduled maintenance and cleaning
  • same day service calls in emergency situations
  • prefers that client have oil containers serviced, without paying a fee for the oil
  • will pay for the oil if required (oil quality determines price)
  • will top by 20% any other recycler currently used or considering

Reasons to contract with Patriot to collect waste oil

  • This is a local refiner. The carbon footprint starts at the pickup of the used oil and ends locally as biodiesel. (local source, local use)
  • promotes our local economy
  • Patriot does not ship biodiesel out of the country, as some companies do.
  • conflict free
  • cooking oil can be recycled and used as biodiesel (majority of it), heating fuel, glycerin soap, animal feed

establishments who recycle their used fryer oil with Patriot Biodiesel

Please make an effort to support the businesses who have made it a priority to improve the environment in our area…

North Carolina A&T State University
Lin's Garden
1618 West Seafood
New York Pizza
Sushi Republic
Old Town
Jack's Corner
Iron Hen
First Presb Church
Liberty Oak
Grey's Tavern
Stumble Stilskins
Tap Room
Rearn Thai
Bihn Mihn
Steak Street
La Pizzaria
Kiha II Japan
Taste of Vietnam
Stephanie's II
Center 4 Creative
Little Richards BBQ
China One
Pepper Mill Café
Pizza Vino
Vino Café
Archdale Subs
Holly Ridge GC
JP Looneys
Tri City Fish
Pizzaria on Spring Garden